Trade Surveillance Program Reviews

Business/Trading Risk Review and Alert Analysis

  • J&J will gain an understanding of the Firm’s relevant trading businesses, customer makeup and, market access and trading vehicles to assess related compliance and regulatory risks.
  • J&J will then review the existing surveillance alerts/procedures in place to identify potential gaps or areas for improvement.

Data Mapping and Verification

  • J&J will identify and document all relevant order and trading systems to create a system map and confirm that data from each system is feeding data to the surveillance process.
  • Assess the data points within each feed to ensure there is consistent monitoring of accounts across platforms and appropriate timestamps and other identifiers are utilized consistently

Parameter and Calibration Assessment

  • Assess the logic and parameters of existing surveillance routines to validate that appropriate risks are being monitored.
  • Recommend updates to the existing parameters (as needed) to tailor the monitoring based upon items such as client type, order entry methods and trading strategies.